The Girl Scouts at Bellaire

The Girl Scouts at Bellaire
or Maid Mary's Awakening


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The Girl Scouts at Bellaire by Lilian Garis





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The Girl Scouts at Bellaire
or Maid Mary's Awakening


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The story of a timid little maid who is afraid to take part in other girls' activities, while working nobly alone for high ideals. How she was discovered by the Bellaire Troop and came into her own as "Maid Mary" makes a fascinating story.

Book Excerpt

ar New York, possessed many possibilities for exploration, and at this delightful task the girls determined to set out promptly, for even vacation is not interminable.

"You may roam as far as you like," Aunt Audrey told them next morning, when the call of summer fairly shouted in each pair of expectant ears. "The girls next door, Lucille and Lalia, are coming over to meet you, and they will show you all the roads, and ways to get lost and found in."

"But, Aunt Audrey," began Cleo, "we saw the queerest woman yesterday just as we arrived. She was dressed like--well, like a circus person, and she had a little girl with her who just looked scared to death. Do you know who she could be?"

Aunt Audrey burst into a musical laugh. "Many Bellairites dress like circus folks," she answered. "In fact Uncle Guy often charges me with that sort of thing. But what was the special offense of your circus lady? What did she look like particularly?"

"Oh, she wore a black lace scarf on her head, and had


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