The Light of the Star

The Light of the Star
A Novel


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The Light of the Star by Hamlin Garland





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The Light of the Star
A Novel


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Book Excerpt

wer when that picture was taken. In this I wore a new gown and a new hat, and I was earning fifty dollars at each reading. My success fairly bewildered me; but oh, wasn't it glorious! I took mother out of a tenement and put her in a lovely little home. I sent Hugh to college. I refurnished the house. I bought pictures and rugs, for you know I continued to earn over two thousand a year. And what fun we had in spending all that money!"

"But how did you reach the stage?" he asked.

She laughed. "By way of 'the Kerosene circuit,' if you know what that means."

"I've heard the phrase," he answered; "it corresponds to the old-time 'barn-storming,' doesn't it?"

"It does."

Hugh interposed. "I wouldn't go into that, sis."

"Why not? It's great fun--now. I used to think it pretty tragic sometimes. Yes, I was nineteen when I went on the New England rural circuit--to give it a better name. Oh, I've been through all the steps! As soon as I felt a little secure about mother, I venture


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