The Bindles on the Rocks

The Bindles on the Rocks


(1 Review)
The Bindles on the Rocks by Herbert Jenkins







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The Bindles on the Rocks


(1 Review)
Poor old Bindle struck an unlucky patch and lost his job. For weeks he had been out of work and for weeks he had tramped from early morning until late at night, without food, beer or tobacco. He suffered considerable pain from what he called his "various" veins; but Joseph Bindle was a great-hearted little man, who realised to the full his domestic responsibilities and, with the aid of his friends, he pulled through.In this volume reappear gloomy Ginger, Dick Little, Mr. and Mrs. Hearty, and many others. It tells how Bindle stops a "Prohibition" meeting, pays a visit to the "Zoo," with Mrs Bindle as militant as ever.

Book Excerpt

y, as he gripped his hand, and Bindle was shown out by the trim parlour-maid, a cigar between his lips and a great content in his heart.

"I wish I could 'ave pinched a few for Lizzie," he muttered, as he walked down the steps; "but it wouldn't 'ave been right like to 'im."

Meanwhile, Dr. Little was examining a pile of pawn-tickets on his consulting-room table. There had been a time when, as Yu Li Tel, the Chinese wizard, he had been famous at Tim's for his sleight-of-hand.

The examination completed, he went down upon his knees and proceeded to retrieve partially eaten sandwiches from under the table. These he threw into the fireplace. The next morning, the maid who attended to the surgery, decided that the master must have had a stroke, her father being subject to fits.

That night, as luck would have it, Mrs. Bindle was in some doubt as to the amount lent upon a copper saucepan that she had valued at 15s., and on which the pawnbroker had lent either 2s. 3d. or 3s. 3d. To settle the


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Bindle has a (hidden) heart of gold but that does not extend to Methodists zealots, (especially his God-bothering puritanical wife and his cowardly brother in law, Hearty) whose measure he has most definitely got.
The reader soon realizes the author had no direct dealings with the London working-class milieu (Orwell is the man for that)during WW1 or the trade union militancy in the decade after the war but nevertheless, throughout his whole Bindle series (1916-1925) Bindle is an amusing and likable character who we now recognize as English humorous archetype.