The Rescue of the Princess Winsome

The Rescue of the Princess Winsome
A Fairy Play for Old and Young


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The Rescue of the Princess Winsome by Annie Fellows Johnston





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The Rescue of the Princess Winsome
A Fairy Play for Old and Young


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The Princess Winsome, the part taken by the ''Little Colonel'' in the play called The Rescue of Princess Winsome in The Little Colonel's Hero, has shared the popularity of the creator of the rôle. Appealing to children because of its association with their favorite heroine, and to their parents because of its high moral tone and the beauty of its lines, the play has found great favor among children's clubs for their private theatricals, in many cases rivalling the success of the ''Little Colonel'' and her friends in obtaining funds for charitable purposes. In response to repeated requests, the publishers are glad to present the play in separate form, making it more easily accessible to young amateur actors and actresses.

Book Excerpt

Holds no thought of sorrow. My true knight he shall come to me With joy on some glad morrow.

[Second flower messenger, dressed as Pansy, appears at window.


Gracious Princess, I come from Feal the Faithful. He plucked me from my bower, And said, speed to the Princess And say, "Like this sweet flower The thoughts within my bosom Bloom ever, love, of thee. Oh, read the pansy's message, And give a thought to me."

[Pansy disappears.

Princess sings

Spin, spin, O golden thread! And turn, O humming wheel. This pansy is his thought of me, My true knight, brave and leal.

[Third flower messenger, a pink Rose.


Thy true knight battled for thee to-day, On a fierce and bloody field, But he won at last in the hot affray, By the heart of gold on his shield.

He saw me blushing beside a wall, My petals pink in the sun With pleasure, because such a valiant knight The hard-fought battle had won.


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