The Young Llanero

The Young Llanero
A Story of War and Wild Life in Venezuela


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The Young Llanero by W. H. G. Kingston







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The Young Llanero
A Story of War and Wild Life in Venezuela


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Book Excerpt

the Spaniards were to come on board, what harm could they do us?" I asked.

"They might find articles they would object to among the cargo; and the captain has no wish to have the vessel searched," he answered.

Uncle Denis was perfectly composed, and seemed to take the matter as nothing unusual. I felt as I had never felt before, for I fully expected before many minutes were over to be engaged in a desperate fight.

The schooner had all her sails set, though at present they were useless; but on looking over the side I observed cat's-paws playing on the surface of the ocean. Now they appeared, now they vanished, but as yet we had not felt the slightest breath of wind. Presently, however, I saw the dog-vane rise and flutter slightly; again it drooped.

The corvette meantime was stealing up, and the boats were getting nearer and nearer. A shot from the headmost one could now have reached us, but she appeared to be waiting for the other to get up with her. Captain Longswill every now and


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