The Man from the Bitter Roots

The Man from the Bitter Roots


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The Man from the Bitter Roots by Caroline Lockhart







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The Man from the Bitter Roots


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You'll enjoy the funny wise sayings of Uncle Billy, and the weird characters of Hinds Hotel,--a tense eagerness will hold you, as you read of the blizzard in the mountains, of Bruce Burt throwing the Mexican wrestling champion, of the reckless feat of shooting the Roaring River with the dynamos, and throughout every scene in this story of the power, quiet, competent Bruce Burt. It's a big outdoor story.

Book Excerpt

six months that they was great pancakes? Couldn't you let me off for once?"

The two partners glared at each other across the clumsy table of hewn pine. They looked like two wild men, as black eyes flashed anger, even hate, into black eyes. Their hair was long and uneven, their features disguised by black beards of many weeks' growth. Their miners' boots were but ludicrous remnants tied on with buckskin thongs. Their clothes hung in rags, and they ate with the animal-like haste and carelessness of those who live alone.

The smaller of the two men rose abruptly, and, with a vicious kick at the box upon which he had been sitting, landed it halfway across the room. His cheeks and nose were pallid above his beard, his thin nostrils dilated, and his hand shook as he reached for his rifle in the gun rack made of deer horns nailed above the kitchen door. He was slender and wiry of build, quick and nervous in his movements, yet they were almost noiseless, and he walked with the padded soft-footedness of


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