Beacon Lights of History, Volume 03, part 1

Beacon Lights of History, Volume 03, part 1


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Beacon Lights of History, Volume 03, part 1 by John Lord



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Beacon Lights of History, Volume 03, part 1


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Book Excerpt

es of his order Conflict with the king Constitutions of Clarendon Persecution of Becket He yields at first to the king His repentance Defection of the bishops Becket escapes to the Continent Supported by Louis VII. of France Insincerity of the Pope Becket at Pontigny in exile His indignant rebuke of the Pope Who excommunicates the Archbishop of York Henry obliged to compromise Hollow reconciliation with Becket Return of Becket to Canterbury His triumphal procession Annoyance of Henry Assassination of Becket Consequences of the murder Authorities


Anarchies of the Merovingian period Society on the dissolution of Charlemagne's empire Allodial tenure Origin of Feudalism Dependence and protection the principles of Feudalism Peasants and their masters The sentiment of loyalty Contentment of the peasantry Evils that cannot be redressed Submission to them a necessity Division of Charlemagne's empire Life of the nobles Pleasures and habits of feudal barons Aristocratic character of Feudalism


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