A Description of the Bar-and-Frame-Hive

A Description of the Bar-and-Frame-Hive
With an Abstract of Wildman's Complete Guide for the Management of Bees Throughout the Year


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A Description of the Bar-and-Frame-Hive by W. Augustus Munn







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A Description of the Bar-and-Frame-Hive
With an Abstract of Wildman's Complete Guide for the Management of Bees Throughout the Year


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Having been frequently requested to explain the use of the bar-and-frame-hive, in the management of bees, I have been induced to print the following pamphlet, to point out the advantages this new hive possesses over the common ones. I have added extracts from various authorities to show the importance of transporting bees for a change of pasturage, and thus prolonging the honey harvest. Regarding the natural history of the bee, I have merely stated a few of the leading facts connected with that interesting subject, drawn from Wildman's Book on Bee-management.

Book Excerpt

distinct frames to work upon, and separate entrances, &c.

If then bees have been put into one of the bar-and-frame-hives, and sufficient time has been given them to build their combs within "the bee-frames," the frames with their contents can be drawn out into the "observation-frame," (which will be more fully described) whenever it is wished to examine the bees, &c., as the 1-1/8 of an inch spaces between the grooves will allow of a sufficient distance to be preserved, between the lateral surfaces of the perpendicular combs formed in the "bee-frames," and thus permit them to slide by each other with facility.

[Illustration: Fig. III.]

The "observation-frame," fig. 3, is a mahogany frame, fourteen inches high, eleven inches long, and about four inches wide, having a single groove half an inch deep, and half an inch broad, running within its whole length of eleven inches. The two largest sides have panes of glass fixed in them with small brads. The top, bottom, and one en


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