Northern Nut Growers Association, Report Of The Proceedings At The Tenth Annual Meeting.

Northern Nut Growers Association, Report Of The Proceedings At The Tenth Annual Meeting.
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Northern Nut Growers Association, Report Of The Proceedings At The Tenth Annual Meeting. by Unknown





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Northern Nut Growers Association, Report Of The Proceedings At The Tenth Annual Meeting.
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Book Excerpt

l happy that the terrible struggle is over, but with it have come conditions that are almost as terrible as war. Famine and want stare millions of people in the face on the continent of Europe. Our own country is at present in the grip of strikes for higher wages, the like of which has never been known. Yet we are prosperous beyond the greatest dreams of any nation on earth, but with this prosperity comes many duties. Our yields of food crops have been great, but to us has fallen the lot of feeding the world, and this will continue until industrial and agricultural conditions of Europe, have been reestablished on a pre-war condition.

There never was a time when meats of all kinds were so expensive, and to many almost prohibitive. Many have learned the use of nut meats in varied ways until all kinds of edible nuts are quoted on the markets today at prices undreamed of in former years. These conditions will not always last; crop failures will come; and production will be curtailed. Land values are advanc


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