Illusion of Luck

Illusion of Luck


(1 Review)
Illusion of Luck by Robert Burton Robinson







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Illusion of Luck


(1 Review)
As Greg Tenorly was about to marry the woman of his dreams, he figured he was the luckiest man in the world. Until he got an anonymous phone call warning him about his bride's shady past.Larry had been lucky all his life. He had everything he could possibly want. Except a publishing contract. So, the fact that his first six mystery novels had been rejected did not dissuade him from starting on book seven. Ironically, he finally found success when he began to publish an online account of his own downward spiral into depravity and murder.Is luck real? Or is it just an illusion? Some people have to find out the hard way.

Book Excerpt

, you're not gonna get away with it, Larry. I'll take you for all you're worth. You're gonna be sorry you tried to dump me."

Larry wondered why he had put up with her. He had long suspected she was doing the pool boy. Or one of the neighbors. Or all the neighbors. Because he knew she was not going without. Yet he was paying for everything. The spoiled brat had never worked a day in her life.

Meanwhile, Larry had cranked out six top-notch mystery novels. Sure--they hadn't been published. But he had worked hard to make them great pieces of literature. "You're not hearing me. There's nothing left. The bank is about to foreclose on the house."

"Liar! When my lawyer gets finished with you..."

"Yes? Go on."

"I'm feeling kinda weird."

"Really? Are you dizzy and nauseated?"

"Yeah. And my heart's beating like crazy."

"And your throat feels sore?"

"My mouth too. Larry, what have you done to me? Did you put something in the wine? I


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