Reflections of a Bachelor Girl

Reflections of a Bachelor Girl


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Reflections of a Bachelor Girl by Helen Rowland







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Reflections of a Bachelor Girl


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Book Excerpt


LUCK in love consists in getting not the person you want, but the person who wants you. If you don't believe it try being married to somebody who is not in love with you.

A MAN'S idea of an engagement is a chance to find out whether or not he really enjoys kissing that particular girl.

IT'S not his understanding of the plot of the opera that makes a man appreciate it, but the "understanding" of the chorus ladies.


A MAN thinks that by marrying a woman he proves he loves her, and that therefore nothing more need ever be said about it.

THE average man looks on matrimony as a hitching post where he can tie a woman and leave her until he comes home nights.

THERE is nothing so uninteresting to a a man as a contentedly married woman.

A MAN'S sweethearts are like his cigars; he has many of each of them, loves each one as tenderly as the preceding, and appreciates each according to its expensiveness.

A HUSBAND can always find fault wit


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