The Pivot of Civilization

The Pivot of Civilization


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The Pivot of Civilization by Margaret Sanger





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The Pivot of Civilization


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A new statement by the foremost figure in the Birth Control Movement in America. A stronger book than even "Woman and the New Race." H. G. Wells, in his introduction to this volume, says: "Mrs. Sanger has lifted this question from out of the warm atmosphere of troubled domesticity in which it has hitherto been discussed to its proper level of a predominantly important human affair."

Book Excerpt

d usage; it discourages criticism and enquiry. It is very ancient and conservative, or, going beyond conservation, it is reactionary. The vehement hostility of many Catholic priests and prelates towards new views of human origins, and new views of moral questions, has led many careless thinkers to identify this old traditional civilization with Christianity, but that identification ignores the strongly revolutionary and initiatory spirit that has always animated Christianity, and is untrue even to the realities of orthodox Catholic teaching. The vituperation of individual Catholics must not be confused with the deliberate doctrines of the Church which have, on the whole, been conspicuously cautious and balanced and sane in these matters. The ideas and practices of the Old Civilization are older and more widespread than and not identifiable with either Christian or Catholic culture, and it will be a great misfortune if the issues between the Old Civilization and the New are allowed to slip into the deep rut


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