The Abominations of Modern Society

The Abominations of Modern Society


(1 Review)
The Abominations of Modern Society by T. De Witt Talmage





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The Abominations of Modern Society


(1 Review)
This is a buoy swung over the rocks. If it shall keep ship, bark, fore-and-aft schooner, or hermaphrodite brig from driving on a lee shore, "all's well." The book is not more for young men than old. The Calabria was wrecked "the last day out." Nor is the book more for men than women. The best being that God ever made is a good woman, and the worst that the devil ever made is a bad one. If anything herein shall be a warning either to man or woman, I will be glad that the manuscript was caught up between the sharp teeth of the type.

Book Excerpt

g from heaven!

If you republicans, and you democrats, do not do your duty in this regard, we will, after a while, form a party of our own, and put men in position pledged to anti-rum, anti-dirt, anti-nuisances, anti-monopolies, anti-abominations, and will give to those of you who have been so long feeding on public spoils, careless of public morals, not so much as the wages of a street sweeper.

We are not discouraged. It may seem to many that all of our battling against these evils will come to naught. But if the coral insects can lift an island, our feeble efforts, under God, may raise a break-water that will dash back the surges of municipal abomination. Beside, we toil not in our own strength.

It seemed insignificant for Moses to stretch his hand over the Red Sea. What power could that have over the waters? But the east wind blew all night; the waters gathered into two glittering palisades on either side. The billows reared as God's hand pulled back upon their crystal bits. Wheel into


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From the title you can certainly tell what you are about to read. Written in the style of the period, and full of unheard and lost phrases, quick and witty at times. Preachy and sometimes describes the problems in to many details. You get the idea clearly.

Some of the abominations are slothfullness, drinking, gambling, improper dress, dancing, news that has and ajenda and not news, etc. And example; he shows how late nighters in his time are the same trouble makers of today. The problems of his time are the same as today, just described in more flamboyant style of his period.

It is interesting to read and I will keep a copy for the fun of it.