Buchanan's Journal of Man, May 1887

Buchanan's Journal of Man, May 1887
Volume 1, Number 4
(0 Reviews)
Buchanan's Journal of Man, May 1887 by Unknown





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Buchanan's Journal of Man, May 1887
Volume 1, Number 4
(0 Reviews)
The Prophetic Faculty: War and PeaceClearing away the FogThe Danger of living among Christians: A Question of peace or warLegislative Quackery, Ignorance, and Blindness to the FutureEvils that need AttentionWhat is Intellectual GreatnessSpiritual Wonders—Slater’s Tests; Spirit Pictures; Telegraphy; Music; Slate Writing; Fire TestMISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE—Erratum; Co-operation; Emancipation; Inventors; Important Discovery; Saccharine; Sugar; Artificial Ivory; Paper Pianos; Social Degeneracy; Prevention of Cruelty; Value of Birds; House Plants; Largest Tunnel; Westward EmpireStructure of the BrainChapter III. Genesis of the BrainTo the Readers of the Journal—College of TherapeuticsJournal of Man--Language of Press and Readers

Book Excerpt

bers in lotteries, and enable any despairing lover to secure the affections of his heart's idol," etc. Side by side with these creditable but legalized exhibitions, were flaming announcements of "the humbug of Spiritualism exposed by Herr Marvel," with a long list of all the astonishing feats which "this only genuine living wizard" would display for the benefit of the pious State where angelic ministry might not be spoken of.

Mrs. Hardinge passed through Mobile, leaving many warm hearts behind her, who would fain have exchanged these profane caricatures for the glad tidings which beloved spirit friends were ready to dispense to the world.

In passing through the capital city, Montgomery, a detention occurred of some hours, in forming a railway connection en route for Macon, Georgia, when Mrs. Hardinge and some friends travelling in her company, were induced to while away the tedious time by visiting the State House. The Legislature was not sitting that day, and one of the party, a Spirit


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