The Banner Boy Scouts Snowbound

The Banner Boy Scouts Snowbound
A Tour on Skates and Iceboats


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The Banner Boy Scouts Snowbound by George A. Warren





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The Banner Boy Scouts Snowbound
A Tour on Skates and Iceboats


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The boys comprising the original Red Fox Patrol won the beautiful banner they own in open competition with other rival organizations. From that day, now far in the past, Stanhope Troop has been known as the Banner Boy Scouts. Its possession .gn +1 has always served as an inspiration to Paul and his many staunch comrades. Every time they see its silken folds unfurled at the head of their growing marching line they feel like renewing the vows to which they so willingly subscribed on first joining the organization.

Book Excerpt

e no danger of her slipping. Then Sandy and Lub will drag her to her home. On the way try to get Doctor Morrison over the 'phone so he can meet you there. The sooner this fracture is attended to the better."

"You could do it yourself, Jack, if it wasn't so bitter cold out here," suggested Tom Betts, proudly, for next to Paul Morrison himself, whose father was the leading physician of Stanhope, Jack was known to be well up in all matters connected with first aid to the injured.

They lifted the suffering child tenderly, and placed her on the comfortable sled. Both the newcomers were only too willing to do all they could to carry out the mission of mercy that had been entrusted to their charge.

"We'll get her home in short order, Jack, never fear," said Sandy Griggs, as he helped fasten an extra piece of rope around the injured girl, so that she might not slip off the sled.

"Yes, and have the doctor there in a jiffy, too," added Lub, who, while a clumsy chap, in his way had a very ten


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