Kate Coventry

Kate Coventry
An Autobiography


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Kate Coventry by G. J. Whyte-Melville



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Kate Coventry
An Autobiography


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Book Excerpt

lone, and that a whisper might steal on my ear, sweeter than the note of the thrush and the nightingale; and that there might be a somebody without whom all that sylvan beauty would be a blank, but with whom any place would become a fairyland. And then I fell to wondering who that somebody would be; and I looked at Cousin John, and felt a little cross--which was very ungrateful; and a little disappointed--which was very unjust.

"Here we are, Kate: that's the Grand Stand, and we'll have the carriage right opposite; and the Queen's not come, and we're in heaps of time; and there's Frank Lovell," exclaimed the unconscious John as we drove on to the Course, and my daydreams were effectually dispelled by the gay scene which spread itself before my eyes.

As I took John's arm and walked into the enclosure in front of the stand, I must confess that the first impression on my mind was this--"Never in my life have I seen so many well-dressed people collected together before;" and when the Queen drove up t


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