A Year in Fife Park

A Year in Fife Park


(2 Reviews)
A Year in Fife Park by Quinn Wilde





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A Year in Fife Park


(2 Reviews)
Quinn Wilde spends a formative year studying at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, and living in Fife Park, the cheapest student residence in the UK.Along the way, there are mistakes and faux pas, damages and destruction, passions and revelations, longing and belonging, love, mystery, tragedy, respect, and just a tiny little bit of sex.

Book Excerpt

' Frank asked me, late the first night. 'Strathblane, apparently.'

We downloaded Duelling Banjos, and played it with the volume up.

Five of Seven

My room was freezing cold, pitch black half the time, and there was usually someone semi-conscious sprawled out on the bed. Often this was me. Despite this, my room was the most popular in the house, not counting the kitchen. This was almost certainly because of my open-door policy, because there were slightly fewer pairs of dirty boxer shorts on the floor than in Frank's room, and because I had the best computer by a country mile.

Craig also had a computer, and quite a good one, but he did not operate an open-door policy. In fact, he used to close his door and repeatedly lock and then unlock it for fifteen straight minutes, until he was satisfied that it was locked. Then he'd do the same thing with the light switch. From outside the house, it probably looked like he was hosting a very small and lonely rave.


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I was surprised and delighted by this little book. Like finding a marvelous blog one had never heard of before, and being able to devour the best entries all in one sitting.
I might be biased because I actually studied in St. Andrews (where the book is set) but I was totally charmed by this wee novella! It just perfectly captured the feel of living in a small town University setting, being young, and stupid, getting drunk and having fun. But it's actually really well put together, with a good story. I don't usually get through many books these days, and I only checkd this one out because it was recommended to me, but in the end I just read the whole thing in one sitting! Totally recommended - especially if you've ever been to University.