The myth of the Jewish menace in world affairs

The myth of the Jewish menace in world affairs
or, The truth about the forged protocols of the elders of Zion


(1 Review)
The myth of the Jewish menace in world affairs by Lucien Wolf







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The myth of the Jewish menace in world affairs
or, The truth about the forged protocols of the elders of Zion


(1 Review)
Originally in the form of separate articles on the subject, the content of this book has been rewritten to form a coherent and interesting read. Strangely this myth has yet to die completely as it still lingers in conspiracy theories of today.

Book Excerpt

r are accused of having plotted the late war in order to fulfil the Messianic prophecies in the person of King George.[7] Les grands esprits se rencontrent!


It follows that if there is no "Secret Government of the Jewish Nation," such a Government cannot well be "the occult power which works behind Freemasonry."[8] The Morning Post, however, is very careful to hedge on this, as on many other points. Its alternative theory is that Freemasonry is Judaical because it is descended from the Templars, who received their Jewish traditions from the Assassins.[9] The only foundation for the suggestion that the Assassins could act as intermediaries between the Jews and the Templars is, on the one hand, that they were Ishmaelites, and consequently "first cousins" to the Jews, and, on the other, a much disputed hypothesis of Von Hammer, that certain Templars were initiated into the mysteries of the Assassins.[10] The truth is that the Assassins were n


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Lucien Wolf’s prescient work was written in 1920, the same year that both the English and German translations of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion [Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion] appeared. Alfred Rosenberg, as the German editor, was soon to acquaint Hitler with it, and in 1925, it was, with approval, cited by Hitler in Mein Kampf. Wolf’s work is in response to the full and uncritical publication of the Protocols by the English newspaper, The Morning Post. It is of interest to note that not only had Winston Churchill inclined to see some merit in the Post’s publication, placed under the heading, “The Cause of World Unrest”, but even some redoubtable authors, such as Chesterton and Belloc.
Wolf not only traces the various historical threads which led to the fabrication of a work which finally spelled out, in detail, that which had been long only half-suggested, of a sinister plotting by a “Formidable Sect” bent upon world domination, but he also understood the inhuman effects which would follow from any uncritical acceptance of the forged documents. The Protocols were first composed Russia, intended onlly to deflect rising revolutionary anger away from actual Czarist oppression and toward the mythic religious enemy – the Jews. However, it was not long before a seemingly ineradicable link was joined between Judaism and revolutionary Bolshevism, a link that become a Nazi article of faith, i.e., Jewish covert forces were responsible for the decay of German morals and military power.
Wolf’s brief but well documented work clearly points out the fallacies and fabrications which were gathered together in this all-too-influential conspiracy theory, and his study remains of great value, as the malevolent effects of the Protocols are still being witnessed today.