Vice in its Proper Shape

Vice in its Proper Shape
Or, The Wonderful and Melancholy Transformation of Several Naughty Masters and Misses Into Those Contemptible Animals Which They Most Resemble In Disposition.


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Vice in its Proper Shape by Anonymous







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Vice in its Proper Shape
Or, The Wonderful and Melancholy Transformation of Several Naughty Masters and Misses Into Those Contemptible Animals Which They Most Resemble In Disposition.


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It contains a diverting account of several naughty boys and girls, who, after their death (which was generally owing to their own folly) were degraded into such animals as they most resembled when alive. I cannot pretend to say who was the author; for his modesty was so great, that he has not inserted his name in the title page.

Book Excerpt

An Account of the surprizing Transmigration of Master ANTHONY GREEDYGUTS, into the Body of a Pig.

The next room into which we were conducted, contained a fat little pig, who, as soon as we had entered the door, began to cry a week, a week, a week, in such a squeaking tone as grated our ears in the most disagreeable manner: but as soon as Mr. Wiseman produced his wand, he lowered his pipes to a few sulky grunts, and then became as still as a mouse.--"This young pig, said the venerable Bramin, is now animated by the soul of the late master Greedyguts, who died about two months ago, and has left a number of relations behind him in almost every town you can mention. Poor foolish youth, if he had been less fond of his belly, and more attentive to his book, and to the good advice of his parents, his soul would not have been confined as it now is, in the body of that nasty, greedy, and noisy little animal which you see before you. But, to rep


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