Do You Believe in Monsters?

Do You Believe in Monsters?
Do You Believe in Monsters?
Jim Melvin

When Charlie Magus enters a fantastical world hidden deep in the forest, his life is turned upside down. The timid 13-year-old transforms into a wizard with formidable powers.

In the real world, life goes on as usual. But in the fantasy world, a war is brewing that will dwarf all others. Charlie’s newfound powers stand between victory and defeat.

But in which world does he truly belong?


About the Author

Jim grew up on the shores of western Florida, and he spent much of his childhood swimming in shark-infested waters long before the movie "Jaws" put a scare into everyone. At the time, he probably was too skinny to attract a bull shark's attention. About ten other boys Jim's age lived on his same street, and they hung out morning, noon and night playing the usual sports that young boys love — football, baseball, "kill the carrier," etc. — but as a group they also played fantastical games that contained magic, monsters and superheroes. It was in this setting that Jim's imagination was born and nurtured.

Jim Melvin