Balancing on Blue

Balancing on Blue
Keith Foskett
Every year several thousand people attempt to hike all 2180 miles of the Appalachian Trail in the eastern United States. Being the first of the big three routes in America, it is where long-distance walkers go to cut their teeth. Keith Foskett has another reason. Dromomania, or the uncontrollable urge to wander, has been part of his life since childhood. Accompanied by an array of eclectic characters including a world champion juggler, a drug dealer, and a sex-starved builder from Minnesota, his experience is far from normal.

About the Author

Keith Foskett was born and raised in southeast England, amongst quintessential rolling English countryside. It was here that he nurtured a passion for hiking and the outdoors, and this forms the basis of much of his writing work.
Having discovered, and hiked 1000 miles of the ancient pilgrim's route known as El Camino de Santiago in Spain, the appetite for hiking was fuelled further. All 2640 miles of America's Pacific Crest Trail followed, and 2200 miles weaving along the Appalachian Trail.
Partial to a decent bottle of Rioja, down sleeping bags and woollen underwear, he still hikes and holds a deep respect for the outdoor spaces of this world, always looking for another adventure.