Dating Jungle - Guide: Learn The Art & Complexity Of The Dating World

Dating Jungle - Guide: Learn The Art & Complexity Of The Dating World
Samantha Keller
In this book, we are going to touch on quite a number of topics to bring you deeper into how the dating world works, the possible issues you face and how to solve certain problems. In particular, you will discover: - Tips during dating and how to get the date - Seduction - Art of Eye contact - What issue you face and is common in a relationship - Conversation starters - And much more! It isn’t as difficult as you made out to be at times. Find out more and get the dates and guy you want.

About the Author

Samantha has been in the dating and marriage scene for many years. She likes to see individuals get together to form a strong loving relationship, and eventually get and stay married. She has counseled many couples whom she hope can maintain their once loving relationships. She also hopes that divorce rates across the world can decrease, which she is convinced is good for future generations.

She is the author of 2 books on dating and relationship, both of which are in Amazon. She's married to a wonderful husband and has a 1 year old daughter