Edible Crafts: A Family Baking Book for Kids

Edible Crafts: A Family Baking Book for Kids
Wolf Cub Chlo
Edible Crafts for Kids book is packed with super fun art projects you can actually eat. Recipes are easy to follow and contain colorful photos, silly jokes for kids, and fun facts on every page! Simple recipes keep the focus on fun family bonding with your kid chef instead of trying to create the perfect recipe with complicated instructions.

About the Author

Chloé aka Wolf Cub Chlo published her first book at just six years old amidst a world of chaos. People were sick, sad, and bored. She knew she couldn't stop people from being sick, but wanted to find a way to use her brain to make people smile again. So, she created her first joke book for kids.

Additionally, she wanted her books to separate her from others; unlike most books, she didn't want her books to have an ending. She refused to let her books become synonymous with disposable masks - good for one-time use only. So, she aims to teach her readers secrets within her books so they can be empowered and entertained while sharing what they learned with others.

As a child herself, Chlo connects deeply to her audience (other kids) and continues to find fun ways to provide fun productive, and educational entertainment for them. She has a long road ahead of her and has set the goal to continue writing and sharing her gift to heal, beginning with a smile.

Chlo lives with her business partner and teacher mom and fitness dad in NYC. When she is not creating jokes, she is playing with family, friends and her pet adorable guinea pig, Snugs.

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