In His Footsteps: I Gave My To Do List To God and Got More Done, More Sleep and Less Stress

In His Footsteps: I Gave My To Do List To God and Got More Done, More Sleep and Less Stress
Margaret Agard
An inspiring, easy read with laugh out loud moments It began as a prayer of desperation. It became the foundation for a life of abundant love, peace and joy. Margaret's five-page long to-do list was keeping her from her walk with God. Her surprising solution? Giving her to-do list to God, every day. Step by daily step God changed both her heart and her life

About the Author

Margaret Agard shares her adventures in hearing the voice of God and acting on His direction. The more she follows, the more her life is filled with deep meaning and true purpose.

All of her books focus on her simple one question prayer of faith applied in a variety of situations and struggles. Using a conversational, and at times humorous, style she shares openly what she has learned so others can apply it in practical, life changing ways.

She writes for people of faith who balance the desire to serve with the often over-whelming demands of daily life.

On a Personal note - Margaret is a former missionary and an award winning, best selling author. She and her husband Parker live on 40 acres in the mountains. They're working hard to build a self sufficient home while keeping up with service to family, church and community - and doing the laundry. (A portion of each