Mystery & Thriller

Death Count

SL Beaumont

When forensic accountant Kat Munro probes a financier’s death in London, she uncovers clues to a far-reaching conspiracy. But as she races to find answers, dangerous enemies could cut short her investigation — and her life…


Midnight Sleeper

Raeder Lomax

Trouble brews on a Roaring 20s high speed Midnight Sleeper express train when a vengeful killer, on the run, in Prohibition America, hunts down a ravaging female bootlegger who can turn any man into a fool with just a smile and her quickness of mind––but will she be quick enough for him? Turn the pages and find out who will live and who will die, and how a touch of evil can go a long way.


Murder at the Zoo

Marcia Rosen

After a body is tossed into the lions’ habitat at the zoo where she is the senior veterinarian, Miranda Scott and Detective Bryan Anderson find themselves investigating several murders. Miranda and Bryan alternate between flirting and fighting off romantic feelings as they try to solve the case. But murder seems to keep getting in their way!


The Pearl Plot

Vicky Ramakka

Two murders, a century apart, a pearl in a pack rat’s nest, and rumors of a lost silver cross create modern problems for Millie Whitehall as she surveys an old homestead. Memories best forgotten and vandals searching for the cross soon put Millie’s own life at risk.
