
How to Build Self-Discipline: Resist Temptations and Reach Your Long-Term Goals

Martin Meadows
If you’d like to benefit from scientific studies about self-discipline and willpower without actually reading them, this book is for you. The author has done the job for you and researched the most useful and viable scientific findings that will help you improve your self-discipline.

Fire the Landscaper

Phil M. Williams
#1 AMAZON BESTSELLER in lawns and landscape. "Rarely does a gardening book raise eyebrows, let alone hell." Fire the Landscaper explores the health risks, cultural biases, and the insults to the environment caused by the artificial representations of nature that surround us. The author, Phil Williams, is the former owner of a successful lawn and landscape company. He exposes the waste, fraud, and downright ridiculousness of an industry focused solely on aesthetics. Through his subsequent training as a permaculture designer, he offers many practical solutions aligned with nature to increase the health and productivity of landscapes, and the world by extension, while simultaneously reducing the workload of upkeep.

Tears of the Silenced

Misty Griffin
When I was six years old my family started to dress like the Amish. For the next 12 years my sister and I were held prisoner and subjected to horrendous abuse. In my late teens my parents feared we would escape and took us to an Amish community where we were adopted and became baptized members. I was once again in a world of fear, animal cruelty and sexual abuse.One morning, after the being assaulted by the bishop I made a desperate dash for the police station....

Advance And Retreat: Personal Experiences In The United States And Confederate States Armies

John Bell Hood
In the years following the Civil War a new war erupted in America, a war of words, with the men of both sides writing their memoirs and offering opinions on the recent conflict. While unfinished at the time of his death, in Advance and Retreat Hood sought to justify himself in response to what he deemed unfair treatment by J. E. Johnston and W. T. Sherman. Driven along by communiqués and the considerable correspondence exchanged throughout the war, Hood’s memoir adds another rich layer of understanding to the conflict that defined a nation.

Dating Jungle - Guide: Learn The Art & Complexity Of The Dating World

Samantha Keller
In this book, we are going to touch on quite a number of topics to bring you deeper into how the dating world works, the possible issues you face and how to solve certain problems. In particular, you will discover: - Tips during dating and how to get the date - Seduction - Art of Eye contact - What issue you face and is common in a relationship - Conversation starters - And much more! It isn’t as difficult as you made out to be at times. Find out more and get the dates and guy you want.

Chicago Law: A Trial Lawyer's Journey

Joseph A. Garofalo
Rarely do we live the life we originally intended. We make up our minds and charge down the path we’ve chosen, only to find ourselves arriving at an unexpected destination. We don’t know how it happens, but after enough time has passed, we’re able to look back and assemble the puzzle pieces to make sense of it all. This is the business of Joseph A. Garofalo’s autobiography.